Imagine what kind of church we would be like if we all gave sacrificially to the Lord. Imagine what He could accomplish through us.
Imagine how we would grow. Picture how we would grow and flourish - It seems a lot like the first church in Acts chapter two. WE ARE THEY.
Over the last several years; our church family has deepened their hunger for God’s Word, our worship has been more sincere, more and more people are involved and are serving, many of you are inviting family and friends, there are stories of life transformation everywhere and our church family is more joyful and united than ever before. We praise God for this!
No matter where we are on our spiritual journey, we can all grow as a follower of Jesus. We resonate with the words Paul wrote to the church family in Corinth…
“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” (2 Corinthians 8:7)
Despite all the growth we're experiencing as a community of believers, giving is an area where we need to be challenged to take both our generosity and devotion to a deeper level. Over the months of October and November we’re inviting everyone in our church family to take The Fall Giving Challenge. It truly is time to prayerfully evaluate our giving back to God.
We are about Action, Transformation & Celebration. The action is giving, tithing, giving above the tithe. The transformation happens in us when we surrender to God. We will celebrate what God is doing in us by sharing our stories.